Thursday, January 2, 2014

Holiday Reminiscings

A new year, a new post from the Packwood's.  It has been 3 years since my last post.  Crazy how fast time goes by.  But if you consider in the fact that we added to our family, it begins to make sense.  On October 11, 2011, we had our third child, Mackenzie Morgan.  Wow, what a blessing she has been.  She is full of joy and a little spitfire  I am just drinking her in and trying to capture every little moment.  It is hard for me to believe that the other two were ever this young.  Life is passing us by so quickly, and it is easy to get sucked into all the little nuances.  I have taken the time this past holiday to really enjoy my family and spend some good quality time with them.  They will only be this young once.  And I want to relish every minute.

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