Wednesday, September 1, 2010

So I woke up this morning feeling, essentially, like I usually feel. Depressed about my impending day. Needing to see more patients. Wanting to make more money to cover for the loss of income from yesterday, having spent the day taking care of Dawson-post fever, but "feeling fine!" (Dawson's words!)

My day improved. I do love seeing patients. They are so appreciative of my care and such a pleasure to deal with. And, sadly, they make e appreciate what I do have.

I see all sorts of things in a day. Syncopal episodes accompanied by fecal incontinence to an elevated BP. Today I saw a patient that was complaining of an "itchy ear". This is a pt that I had seen before and consistenly recommened Hydrogen Peroxide (with no success). Anyway, long story longer, I was able to extract a fair amount of wax and seem to have made my patients day. Of all the things I do in a day, it's funny how this simple extraction left my patient with so much joy.

I'm constantly aware of what I should be thankful for: a healthy family, 2 kids, a succesful husbad, a good job...and the list goes on. But I'm so often distracted by the little things. Every day I try to be more appreciative, but it's a work in progress.

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