Sunday, September 16, 2007

The next Tiger Woods...

Jarrett already has a fan club. Look at that form! He is loving all his new birthday gifts. The

golf clubs are a big hit. He is also motoring around on his new superman bike. He's such a big kid now. Doesn't want any help from Mom (or anyone!). It's all about doing it by myself. He seems so big in comparison to his little sister, but he is still so small. We found out he has a heart murmur the other day. Nothing major. And were lucky both of our kids are healthy, so this is a minor blip. But you never want there to be any ounce of imperfection in your children. We'll get it evaluated and I'm sure a condescending Cardiologist will tell us this is nothing to worry about. But I will anyway. That's my job.

Speaking of imperfections, how bout those cards? Dawson was dressed for the occasion and ready for a W. But she was disappointed. At least she looked cute in her cardinal red.

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