Sunday, December 23, 2007

Christmas time

Our caregiver, Lisa, hosted a Christmas party with a special arrival from Santa. Dawson was more interested in her thumb, Jarrett was pretty thrilled with his gift. Later, he turned to me with a mischievous grin saying "That's not really Santa!" I got a good laugh at that one. We've had a good month. It has slowed down a little and we are finally in a routine. We are looking forward to some family time during the Christmas break. We have no plans and like it that way. We'll take and enjoy each day as a family and try to slow down for a short time anyway. Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Well it has been a hectic but enjoyable November. We were able to spend some quality time with family (ie, let them take care of the kids for a while!) and see some good friends as well. It was a Thanksgiving full of thanks giving.

Jarrett was able to spend some quality time with Grandpa, helping with the leaves and playing "I'm going to get you!". I'm not sure who was more worn out at the end of the day, Jarrett or Grandpa?! Both kids were hugged and kissed enough for six months, making up for lost time with those far away. Mom and Dad had a chance to relax (a little) and hang out at the "Polish Hall" (a popular hole in the wall famous to Uxbridge) and even had a little late night China P.

Of course there is always the obligatory trip to Friendly's for my Reeses Pieces sundae, and then the family Uno get together (no outbursts this time!) I think I won! Even better.

It was a short two days home for Mom and Dawson and then we headed up to Cleveland to meet the newest member of the Moeller family! Dawson and Rebecca had a chance to meet and the Mom's had a chance to catch up (as best as you can when you have two infants!). It was a relaxing low key weekend for us (maybe not for Mark) and it was so nice to catch up with a good friend.

On to the happy, hectic, holiday season! Happy Holidays!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Tricks and Treats

Halloween 2007. We weren't quite sure what to expect from Jarrett and whether he would take to this strange holiday where you walk up to strangers in costume and ask them to give you candy. We needn't have worried. As soon as he found out get got CANDY, he was a possessed man/dog. We chased him from house to house as he mumbled "more candy" but was polite enough to mutter thank you as he grabbed handfuls of snicker and twix. We had a great time and a few good laughs. And our little kitty cat seemed to enjoy it too, until she (fittingly) fell asleep in the baby bjorn; slowly releasing and dropping the lollipop she had so frantically sucked on in hopes she would taste more than wrapper.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Hilton Head

A rarity that the husband and I get to spend a weekend together to "reconnect". We had a welcome site when we arrived at the hotel, I kind of felt like a celebrity! Especially after all the trouble arriving to the hotel. We had a good weekend relaxing, sleeping in, watching baseball (go Red Sox!) and most importantly, not changing any diapers (Thank Claudette!). It was kind of like we were DINKS again (dual income, no kids!). But at the end of it all, it's back to reality. And even thought it's crazy, with no free time for myself, I wouldn't trade these little faces for the world!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Balloon Glow

It was a beautiful night for the balloon glow. Jarrett seemed real interested in checking out the balloons until we were close up! Needless to say, John and I spent much of the night passing him around! We finally set up shop away from the balloons and he seemed to relax a little. In fact, after everything shut down he kept asking where the balloons were (and kept asking about them, especially Sugar bear) for the rest of the week! He enjoyed the fireworks and hardly flinched at how loud they were. Dawson slept through the entire experience.

Monday, October 1, 2007

One reason to have kids

Is to dress them up and get a good laugh at their expense! Grandma and I had a great time dressing up Dawson in her Halloween gear. She was such a good sport, laughing and smiling which just made the outfit that much more amusing! Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


So he likes to push it around and push Mom around on it, but he's not too keen on riding it yet! I think he is still trying to find the button that will move him forward (like his snazzy spiderman/superman bike!) . You can tell he's thinking, "you mean I have to pedal this myself??" Anyway, I enjoyed the ride!

New table

One of the many gifts given to the kids....he loves it. He loves being a big kid and only wants to eat at his table. I had to take the table back to Target after we found a crack in it, and when we arrived home tonight, Jarrett kept asking me something unintelligible (to me!) and signing at the same time. I finally realized he was asking me where the table was (and signing "table"!) Wow. He amazes me every day. He is learning so quickly and becoming such a big boy. I still love to pick him up and squeeze him as I try to ignore how heavy he is!

He had his Cardiology appointment yesterday and got an A-Ok that he is healthy. No need for antibiotics prior to dental appts, and no need for additional evaluations. He tolerated the exam relatively well, for a two year old that had to be held down for an ultrasound evaluation of the heart. And we came out relatively unscathed overall. But let's just say I couldn't arrive at his childcare soon enough after we were done!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Iowa Trip

We had a great trip to Iowa. We were able to fit a lot of visiting into our short visit. We started by staying with the Eggerts in Ames. They were kind enough to allow our growing family a place to stay. We met up with a lot of John's college friends at the house that night for a backyard BBQ. Quite a change from the times I had visited previously. We had a great time visiting. The kids got along great and Jarrett had a chance to blow off some steam after a long day of travelling! Off to the hotel the next day. Jarrett and Dawson attended their first wedding rehearsal dinner. Dawson slept through the whole things while Jarrett flirted with everyone, especially the bride (he seems to have a thing for blondes!). The next day we dropped him at his cousins house. I was worried he might be alarmed by the new people and new places, but I need not have been concerned. It was as if I wasn't there at all! Foster and Ralston did a great job entertaining him, but Foster was really enamored of Dawson! The next day we were able to spend some quality time with Cory and Lindy and then off to the farm. Jarret had a great time there as well. More kids and more great toys! We had a great time seeing family, visiting the "cabin" and hanging out by the bonfire. Wish we lived closer. I'm sure Jarrett (and Dawson eventually!) would have a great time exploring the farm! Thanks to all that opened their homes to us.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Children and Grandparent

Aaahhh...they are the most satisfying beings in my life. I love them to pieces. But they can be exhausting. Especially when Dad is in Washington for work. But having Grandma in makes a difference. Or at least makes it easier. A rare, happy moment between brother and sister. One that will be short lived come their teenage years. But I at least have this image to remember the happier times. And nothing is more satisfying than having them safe and sound in bed. For them, but more so for me.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

The next Tiger Woods...

Jarrett already has a fan club. Look at that form! He is loving all his new birthday gifts. The

golf clubs are a big hit. He is also motoring around on his new superman bike. He's such a big kid now. Doesn't want any help from Mom (or anyone!). It's all about doing it by myself. He seems so big in comparison to his little sister, but he is still so small. We found out he has a heart murmur the other day. Nothing major. And were lucky both of our kids are healthy, so this is a minor blip. But you never want there to be any ounce of imperfection in your children. We'll get it evaluated and I'm sure a condescending Cardiologist will tell us this is nothing to worry about. But I will anyway. That's my job.

Speaking of imperfections, how bout those cards? Dawson was dressed for the occasion and ready for a W. But she was disappointed. At least she looked cute in her cardinal red.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


More pics of my baby girl. She is a great baby. Very sweet and even tempered. She is always happy to see me, and sometimes her Dad! She loves her big brother. He can always make her smile. She is such a joy. Were so happy to have her, and to quote Jerry Maguire (loosely) "She completes me (us)" as a family.
The picture closest to us is on our return trip from Iowa (end of August) the other one is her at 4 weeks!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Jarrett's 2nd Birthday Party

Not the best shot, but you get the idea. I can hardly believe he is two (or will be on Thursday). Time goes by too quickly. I find myslef trying to take a breath and enjoy every moment, but I fail miserably. This past week was pure craziness. Jarrett was diagnosed with his first case of strep, as was John. My sister arrived in for her first visit with Dawson and she was a Godsend. We almost postponed the celebration, but pulled it off with a lot of help from family (John's family came in for a visit also). Thank god for family. Wish they lived closer!

Sunday, June 3, 2007

1st Picture of Dawson