Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Potty Game

Who would have guessed something so seemingly simple could be so trying? Jarrett has been fighting us tooth and nail to NOT pee in the potty. I would like to compliment his stubborness and his desire to be different-but usually I just want to cry. He finally peed in the potty for the first time, but it has been a few weeks and were still "aiming" for perfection. My supply of M&M's is getting low, and so is my patience.

Dawson's 1st Birthday!

It's hard to believe Dawson is 1! (actually 14 months now!) Time is moving too quickly.

We had a great birthday with lots of friends/food and beer. Daddy made this sunflower cake for her and cooked up some fajitas for a mexican fiesta. She is crawling like a crazy woman, with no interest in walking. She has begun to stand up on her own, but can't quite figure out how to make her feet move without falling over! Who said the second one is easier??? She is our sweet girl and has become adept at pointing and grunting when she wants things. She motions to us with her fingers when she wants to eat and knows she is a "baby". Jarrett often says-"Mommy, I love my baby sister". I'll have to remember that sentiment in 14 years.